Corpus Christi, Texas
- Pastor: Bil Cornelius
- Project: Land/Worship Facility
- Capital Raised: $10.8 Million
- Cash Offering:
Bay Area Fellowship began as a prayer and a dream in the heart and mind of its pastor and a handful of believers who attended its originating Bible study in a one-bedroom apartment. The fledgling church grew fast and soon moved to a dance studio, then to two successive schools, and then to a former Moose Lodge.
After founding pastor, Bil Cornelius, led Bay Area members to reach 2,000 people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in only six years, the booming church needed a new ministry site. Launching its "Whatever It Takes" capital campaign, with the assistance of The Gage Group, Bay Area Fellowship bought 100 acres and built a 95,000 square foot structure that included a book store, ample children's facilities, a student center and a state-of-the-art 2,500 seat worship center. Today, the Corpus Christi church meets the spiritual needs of more than 7,000 people each weekend.
"What can I say?" asks Pastor Cornelius. "We wanted to raise a good down payment on our new building project, but with Paul Gage's coaching, we pledged over $10.8 million. The Gage Group helped us raise more than five times our annual church income."
For anyone seeking assistance in a capital campaign, Pastor Cornelius says,
"Use Paul Gage -- your church is worth the best."
Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Pastor: Willie George
- Project: Expansion/Renovation
- Capital Raised: $24 Million
- Cash Offering:
Willie George -- or "Gospel Bill" as he is better known from his former Christian television show for kids -- has come a long way since 1976 when he was a children's and youth minister for a church of 200. Today he is senior pastor of Church on the Move in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which he started in 1987 with 163 people. Three short years later, and almost 3,000 were attending the church. A week after that and the young church entered negations to procure property for a permanent home -- a 50,000 square-foot facility completed in 1994.
One year later Oneighty is born. Playing on an illustrative word for repentance, the name Oneighty represents a comprehensive youth ministry for 7th - 12th graders, offering activities and discipleship emphases for three age/grade groups that draw hundreds of teens every week. By 2007 the church had completed its 90,000 square-foot Oneighty building dedicated to youth ministry.
In 1996, Church on the Move launched its Christmas Train at Dry Gulch USA, a replica of an Old West town situated on 150-acre site that also serves as a retreat and conference center. More than 50,000 people attend the annual event that features a multi-media presentation of the Christmas story while riding on steam-powered, narrow gauge train.
Church on the Move's continued explosive growth required several phases of construction that included facilities for a K-12 school.
Enter The Gage Group in 2008. After two decades of phenomenal church growth and successful ministry, Pastor Willie George turned to Paul Gage -- founder and president of America's premiere capital campaign consulting firm, -- who led Church on the Move's $24 million campaign called "It's Your Move."
The ambitious plans include enlarging the entrance and fellowship areas, and adding a guest services desk, family restrooms, coffee shop, seating areas, and for refurbishing the worship center by adding 200 seats. Also included are more pre-school classrooms, new worship space for 5th - 6th graders, an indoor playground, enlarged hallways, and new nurseries.
"This was our third campaign, and we received four times as much in pledges than our previous campaigns," Pastor George said. "The initial giving has been wonderful, and our large-gift pledges are well beyond anything we have ever seen."
Having led Church on the Move's previous capital campaigns, Pastor George is particularly grateful for The Gage Group's innovation and leadership: "Methods that I used in past campaigns actually limited our giving, especially in the area of large gifts. With Paul's advice, I presented the right challenge to our top-end donors and got the highest response ever," he said.
Pastor George credits The Gage Group, saying, "We could not have done it without Paul's help. I wholeheartedly recommend The Gage Group to you without reservation. They are worth every penny, and will earn your trust in an amazing process."
Grapevine, Texas
- Pastor: Ed Young, Jr.
- Project: Land/Worship Facility
- Capital Raised: $80 Million
- Cash Offering:
In one of the most astounding and remarkable church growth accounts since Acts chapter two, Fellowship Church has rocketed from church plant status to one of the 10 largest churches in America. From its initial congregation of 150 people meeting in an office building, the church now attracts more than 20,000 people attending weekend services in five locations across the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex and Miami, Florida.
Fellowship is also one of America's fastest growing churches. At one point, the church multiplied by more than 140 percent in a two-year period, and it currently maintains a five-year running average of 2,000 baptisms per year.
The innovative church employs an attractive and effective three-pronged approach to church life: reaching up to God in creative worship, reaching out to others in compassionate evangelism, and reaching in to develop disciples.
In 1994 The Gage Group led the church in its first capital campaign, and has since walked hand-in-hand with the congregation in four additional fund-raising efforts, raising more than $80 million to acquire 140 acres of land, and to construct a 4100 seat worship facility. Additional phases included educational space for children and students, increased parking, administrative office accommodations and a 10 acre lake with outdoor amphitheater and baptistery. More recently, The Gage Group led the church in a fund-raising effort to build a satellite church located in downtown Dallas and a world-class youth camp and lakefront retreat center on 1,000 wooded acres in the beautiful countryside of East Texas.
"If you want results, Paul Gage is your man," says Fellowship Church's Pastor Ed Young. "I cannot think of a more gifted ministry to assist your church than The Gage Group. The leadership, enthusiasm and spiritual sensitivity Paul provided greatly influenced Fellowship to do big things for God."
Savannah, Georgia
- Pastor: Cam Huxford
- Project: Relocation
- Capital Raised: $16 Million
- Cash Offering:
Few churches face such a challenge as did Savannah Christian Church in Savannah, Georgia. Just weeks before launching a multi-million dollar capital campaign, church leaders had to release the company heading up their fund-raising effort.
"I don't have to tell you how stressful it was to dismiss our consultant mid-stream," says Pastor Cam Huxford. "We needed to reach a goal many times our annual budget for a campus relocation project, and the funding for our first phase of construction was critical to the ongoing growth of our ministry."
"Two trusted friends recommended Paul Gage," says Pastor Huxford, "so I called him for help. After explaining our predicament, Paul immediately flew to Savannah, assessed the situation and courageously offered to help us salvage our campaign. Under his guidance, and within a few weeks, we received pledges in excess of $6.5 million -- three times our annual budget."
Today, Savannah Christian Church enjoys the fruits of The Gage Group's labor and leadership in its completed $16 million building program. Situated on a 52-acre campus, the new facilities welcome more than 4,100 people to five weekend services in the new worship center, and two more services at its east campus. Also, the full-time pastoral staff of 23 oversees more than 80 unique ministries from new, contemporary administrative offices.
"Paul Gage made an incredible impact on our church and helped me through a remarkable situation," says Pastor Huxford, who is also grateful to God and The Gage Group for the $16 million raised in back-to-back campaigns. "I will always be grateful for The Gage Group and the role they played in positioning our church to lead people to a life changing connection with Jesus Christ," Pastor Huxford says. "If you have a fundraising opportunity, you would be wise to contact The Gage Group and partner with this very special organization."
Houston, Texas
- Pastor: Ed Young, Sr.
- Project: Construction/Multi-site
- Capital Raised: $84.8 Million
- Cash Offering: $21.3 Million
Second Baptist Church of Houston has hardly known a time when it wasn't growing and expanding its ministries and facilities. That's because church leaders are keenly interested in bringing unchurched lost people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The church also sponsors virtually every kind of ministry: from the homeless to the homosexual; from the currently divorced to the chemically dependent. Such a heart for those who are spiritually and physically destitute has led the flagship church on an upward climb in membership and a constant search for its ever-expanding main campus, as well as its other campuses in metro-Houston.
Faced with burgeoning church growth and a driving commitment to share the love of Jesus Christ, the mega-church's 42,000 members embarked on a capital campaign utilizing Paul Gage and The Gage Group, whose expertise and experience led them to pledge and contribute more than any other funding campaign in the church's history. In the largest, two-year capital campaign ever recorded in the modern church era, members raised in excess of $84 million and also contributed to a first fruits cash offering of more than $21 million.
"Through a carefully planned campaign, Paul Gage and The Gage Group helped reinforce our church's understanding that we are blessed to be a blessing, and challenged us to do not only what we needed to do, or even what we should do, but to do what we ought to do," says Dr. Ed Young. As a result of the initial cash offering, the church was able to "begin immediately with the purchase and building of needed space on our campuses and begin 'soft starts' in two local theaters," adds Pastor Young.
"With Paul leading your capital campaign, you and your church family will experience a time of spiritual blessings and growth. Paul understands capital campaigns are not about raising money but about lengthening your cords and strengthening your stakes as you seek to make a difference for the Kingdom," says Pastor Young.
Springdale, Arkansas
- Pastor: Ronnie Floyd
- Project: Debt Reduction
- Capital Raised: $18 Million
- Cash Offering:
Churches usually engage in capital campaigns to buy property or build new facilities, or to improve existing ones. Cross Church in northwest Arkansas embarked on a major capital campaign called "Greater Things" to underwrite ambitious church planting, missions mobilization projects and compassion ministries.
Ronnie Floyd, pastor of Cross Church, challenged members to plant 50 new churches in three years, and in 2012 to mobilize at least 1,000 church members for cross-cultural missions experiences outside northwest Arkansas. "The ultimate goal is to reach 10,000 people in the world for Jesus Christ in 2012," Pastor Floyd said. "Locally, we want to ensure that a Gospel witness occurs in some way to every home in northwest Arkansas during the next three years."
In addition to church planting and missions ventures, Cross Church's "Greater Things" campaign will open "Compassions Centers" that will teach life skills, distribute food, and offer a resale shop for less fortunate residents in the region -- all in the effort to plant churches and reach people for Christ.
When Dr. Floyd related the "Greater Things" vision in November 2010, members responded by pledging $18 million despite today's weak economy. A "First Fruits" cash offering yielded $6 million, and the church also received a property gift appraised at $2 million.
While acknowledging God's blessings, Pastor Floyd gave credit to Paul Gage and The Gage Group: "Paul helped us formulate the vision we believe God gave us and provided resources to show us how to communicate and challenge our people to fulfill that vision," Pastor Floyd said. "Drawing from his experience and track record of leading many of America's flagship churches in such projects, Paul brought extensive expertise and energy to the entire campaign."
"Another key factor," Pastor Floyd said, "was Paul's focus and ability to keep us on task. Through accountability and staying focused on the message and our ultimate goal, Paul was able to lead us in a task-oriented direction, all in a Christ like manner. The leadership he provided positioned us for success."
"This campaign is the Great Commission at work and emphasizes our personal responsibility to share the Gospel with a lost world," said Bob McCaslin, Cross Church member and mayor of nearby Bentonville, Ark.
Donnie Smith, CEO and president of Tyson Foods, said, "I've been a member of Cross Church for 23 years, and I can tell you I've never felt more closely aligned to our church's strategic direction."
Neither Smith nor McCaslin foresees a problem with their pastor's bold $20 million initiative: "Times are tough, but God is a big God and He doesn't have a cash-flow problem," Tyson's CEO said.
"We will likely see God's people commit more than $20 million during the next three years," Mayor McCaslin added.
For the "Greater Things" campaign, Pastor Floyd said, "We chose to partner with Paul Gage of The Gage Group, and I believe we made the right choice. Paul's commitment to excellence does not permit him or the church to settle. He understood our vision and what we were trying to accomplish for God. I believe partnering with Paul Gage helped us achieve our spiritual and financial goals."
"Paul is attentive, professional, and up-to-date on capital campaigns in today's church environment," Pastor Floyd noted. "If a capital campaign is in your future, I would encourage you to partner with Paul Gage and The Gage Group."
Porter Ranch, California
- Pastor: Dudley Rutherford
- Project: Land/Worship Facility
- Capital Raised: $18 Million
- Cash Offering:
Shepherd of the Hills church roots run deep, all the way back to 1912 when a group of believers met in an old railroad car. Almost 100 years and a church merger later, more than 7,000 people overrun the church's facilities every weekend while attending one of 10 worship services. When planting four daughter churches didn't stem the massive influx, members prayed about expanding the church's facilities -- and that in an area where land costs $1 million per acre.
Having already reached thousands of people with the Gospel, the church responded positively when Pastor Dudley Rutherford challenged them: "It's time for each of us to make a personal investment to help reach hundreds of thousands of people for Christ, and we desire to do that using the most effective means possible."
That challenge meant buying 4.5 acres that adjoined the church property and building a new worship facility seating 3,500 people, a senior center, a community conference center, administrative offices, café, plaza, and additional parking.
That challenge also meant finding an effective, reputable stewardship company. "Whenever you're in a position to raise the amount of money we needed, you want the very best leading you," says Pastor Rutherford. And after considering most of the major stewardship companies, The Gage Group rose to the top as "the crème de la crème," he says.
"Paul is a down-to-earth guy who relates well to people from all walks of life. He is trustworthy, above reproach, diligent, insightful, articulate and professional." Pastor Rutherford also says, "Paul effectively coordinated and communicated with our staff and ministry teams to take ownership and lead out in this most successful campaign that delivered $18 Million in pledges and gifts."
"If you're looking for a comprehensive capital campaign that will lead church members to new spiritual heights while raising maximum dollars," says Pastor Rutherford, "then look no further than The Gage Group."
Dallas, Texas
- Pastor: T.D. Jakes
- Project: Worship Facility
- Capital Raised: $30 Million
- Cash Offering:
Planted in 1996 with 50 families, The Potter's House in Dallas, Texas, enjoyed explosive growth, reaching 20,000 members in its first three years and now approaching 30,000 members. Cited by Christianity Today as one of America's fastest growing churches, the multi-ethnic congregation worships and serves together in 59 different ministries, including GED/literacy programs, AIDS outreach and education, reaching the homeless in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, and one of the nation's largest and fastest growing prison ministries with a prison satellite network broadcasting to more than 260 prisons. "In reality, we put flesh and blood to Christ's mandate to love and heal," says the pastor of the booming church, Bishop T.D. Jakes.
Because of the church's phenomenal growth, hundreds of people were unable to attend any of the church's four Sunday worship services. So, with the help of The Gage Group, Bishop T.D. Jakes and The Potter's House launched its "Hand Me Another Brick" capital campaign with a goal of constructing a new worship center of nearly 200,000 square feet that included seating for 8,400 people, a 270-voice choir, and a 30-piece orchestra. Also on the drawing board were cutting-edge, multi-media capabilities, as well as a 20,000 square foot lobby and a prayer chapel seating 700.
With the able leadership of The Gage Group, the church's "Hand Me Another Brick" capital campaign yielded contributions of more than $30 million in a 24-month campaign. Then The Potter's House celebrated with a note-burning ceremony.
"The Potter's House engaged the services of The Gage Group during the financial campaign for our new worship facility" says Pastor Jakes. "Paul Gage was accessible, innovative and excellent in the field of biblical concepts; and for that we are grateful."
The Woodlands, Texas
- Pastor: Kerry Shook
- Project: Construction
- Capital Raised: $25 Million
- Cash Offering:
Woodlands Church founders Kerry and Chris Shook had no idea back in August 1993 that eight people in their first church meeting would become 168 people in less than three months. Nor could they imagine the 14,000 who worship and serve at the suburban Houston church today.
Explosive growth brings mushrooming needs. And faced with one of the best church obstacles of all -- more people than places to put them -- Woodlands Church left its rented facilities in 2001, entering its new, 4400-seat worship center. In 2006, the church was noted as one of the 50 most influential churches in America, and was garnering national media attention as it continued to grow.
Having established more than 100 ministries that stretched around the globe, Woodlands Church's exponential growth forced it to look inward to its own burgeoning needs. That's when Kerry called Paul Gage of The Gage Group.
On the drawing board were plans for a children's building, café, bookstore, fellowship plaza, family life center, and a small chapel. With The Gage Group's leadership, Woodlands Church members gave $25 million in cash and commitments to the effort.
"This was the largest financial challenge we ever pursued," Kerry said. "But the capital campaign was an overwhelming success."
"Tailoring a campaign perfect for our style and personality, Paul was committed to helping us fulfill the church's vision as he brought much-needed expertise to the entire project," said Kerry.
"Paul knows that capital campaigns are not about raising money, but about reaching the masses with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A capital campaign with The Gage Group is so much more than just a building project; it's about building people and helping them make a difference in their community and in the Kingdom of God."
"Without any hesitation or reservation," said Kerry, "I enthusiastically recommend Paul Gage and The Gage Group for your capital campaign needs."
Coral Springs, Florida
- Pastor: David Hughes
- Project: Worship Facility
- Capital Raised: $11 Million
- Cash Offering:
In 2009, Church by the Glades faced a serendipitous dilemma: swelling attendance and shrinking accommodations because the church had reached the unreachable and unchurched people in the Fort Lauderdale area. Still, five weekend worship services in a 900-seat auditorium proved insufficient to meet ministry needs.
Plans to meet the needs included a 2000-seat worship center, expanded pre-school facilities, and the church's first satellite campus. All told, a $16 million project.
Such dreams emerged in the nightmare of economic meltdown. Pastor David Hughes and church leaders wondered whether to embark on a capital campaign as America's sagging economy was less than flat in South Florida -- one of the hardest hit regions in the country. So, they prayed and determined the needs were too great; the harvest, too abundant; and God, too powerful for them to be deterred by fear.
"Our motto sort of became 'Great God; Faithful People.'" said Tom Albright, executive pastor of the church. "We knew we could not continue to grow unless we did something about the space problem. Failing to move forward would have been a formula for disaster."
Moving forward meant calling Paul Gage, president of The Gage Group -- a Dallas-based stewardship firm that has helped many of America's largest and fastest growing churches to plan and execute ambitious capital campaigns.
Under Paul's direction, the church initiated a reverse offering. During one weekend's services, attendees received envelopes containing varying amounts of money -- from $5 up to $1,000 -- and were instructed to meet someone else's need with the money. The church had to launch a new web site to handle the hundreds of positive reports from members of how God blessed the reverse offering. Many members discovered the joy of giving. So when the capital campaign launched a few months later, the congregation's response was remarkable. The people pledged more than $11 million and gave an initial cash offering of more $500,000. "When the people's hearts are properly prepared, both spiritually and emotionally, then participation is much wider and deeper when the campaign begins," said Paul.
"Paul did more than simply teach and encourage us about giving to the Lord's work. God used him to reinforce what I call radical generosity. What Paul taught us bore abundant fruit to help us build new walls at Church by the Glades, and has led us beyond those walls to reach others in South Florida and across the ocean," Pastor Hughes added. "For these reasons and more I give Paul and The Gage Group the most resounding vote of confidence and unreserved recommendation possible."
Cleveland, Tennessee
- Pastor: Allan Lockerman
- Project: Relocation/Worship Facility
- Capital Raised: $14 Million
- Cash Offering:
The First Baptist Church of Cleveland, Tenn., began its downtown existence in 1857. Following generations of successful ministry, the landlocked church had reached its full growth potential and faced a difficult decision: be satisfied with the status quo or relocate, leaving behind more than 150 years of tradition and building a new facility.
Having previously completed several remodeling and expansion projects on the downtown site, church members repeatedly had demonstrated their traditional "we can do it ourselves" mentality. But the finances required for relocation and new construction were of monumental proportion.
The first phase of the project included a 1,450 seat worship center; a commons area with a café and coffee bar; educational space for preschool, children, youth and adults; and 1,000 parking spaces. This was no "do-it-yourself" job, and neither was the capital campaign required to finance it. Church leaders knew they needed a qualified expert; and after interviewing several professional stewardship entities, the clear and obvious choice was The Gage Group.
"I've known Paul Gage and the evangelistic legacy of the Gage family for many years. In our minds and hearts, that's what uniquely qualified Paul to help us reach more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ," said Pastor Allan Lockerman. "Paul knew there were souls at stake, and he demonstrated his ability and compassion for reaching them by leading our church in its most successful capital campaign ever, and that during our country's grave economic climate."
"Paul and his team demonstrated a completely spiritual perspective. The team was humble and confident, and we were encouraged about their spiritual focus as well as their experience, wisdom and sensitivity regarding our specific situation and 150-year history," Pastor Lockerman added. "The Gage Group united our people in the difficult and emotional decision to leave our historic, downtown facility and to relocate for the sake of reaching more people more effectively for the Lord."
The Gage Group biblically equipped and guided members to commit $14 million to the effort -- more than four times the church's annual budget: A "First Fruits" cash offering yielded $750,000. "That initial spirit of incredible expectation and giving continues as members still give sacrificially above and beyond anticipated receipts thanks to the spiritual sensitivity and professional expertise of The Gage Group," said Pastor Lockerman.
"We know that every good and perfect gift comes from God. We also know that God uses human agents to accomplish heavenly giving," said Pastor Lockerman. "That's what the Lord did in our church, and that's why I wholeheartedly recommend to you the finest capital campaign consultant I know, Paul Gage. Unquestionably, we will use The Gage Group for our next capital campaign. And based our success, I strongly urge you to do the same."
Sugar Land, Texas
- Pastor: Ronnie Norman
- Project: Relocation/Worship Facility
- Capital Raised: $9 Million
- Cash Offering:
"Paul Gage and The Gage Group conduct faith campaigns, not fund raisers," says Ronnie Norman, senior minister of First Colony Church of Christ in Sugar Land, Texas.
Founded about 20 years ago, First Colony grew steadily while on its journey of establishing a church intent on bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to suburban Houston. Sustained success in that venture required success in another: church relocation. Having outgrown its site, the church sought and bought prime, high-traffic acreage facing Interstate 59 and built fabulous new facilities: a 40,000 square foot, fan shaped worship center complete with 1,500 seats, a gently inclined floor, natural and technical lighting, engineered sound system and acoustics, and a theater quality stage, as well as an expansive lobby for fellowship. Under the experienced leadership of The Gage Group, First Colony's capital campaign exceeded its $9 million goal by almost $1 million. And members contributed more than $1.3 million in a one-day cash offering.
"With Paul's assistance, God graced us with a campaign that was conducted in faith and joy -- no pressure, only a sense of privilege in partnering with God in His work," Pastor Norman says. "If you want to conduct a major campaign that leaves behind a sweet fragrance of faith and unity, then my advice is simple: call The Gage Group."